Kyanite Confessional

The Kyanite Confessional is a section of my Moonthly Newsletter where I inquire a soulful query from a woman I admire…

(August 2023) This month we're looking at Wren. Wren is a Portland, Maine based artist, reader, and spiritual teacher. I asked her how she comes back to herself in times such as these, and I love what she offered (so much so that I spent yesterday tending to the first one): "REST. Sleep is so underrated, and quality of sleep matters, especially if you're doing a lot of spiritual work (but physical too). Dancing helps me as well, especially getting into the hips. Spending time outdoors. If I can't be outside, I lay on my floor, and find it to be grounding. Also, cleaning the house; this type of cleanse mirrors the internal cleansing, not just our nervous system but our energetic body that needs cleansing... clear the film away." Connect with Wren on instagram @sexoracle


kyanite confessional


Kyanite confessional